Friday, September 26, 2014

Upcoming Mridanga Workshop during Navaratri

Shree Peetha Nilaya is a host of a number of workshops: art, paint, music, Atma Kriya Yoga, Simply Meditation, and more.

As music is a very hub of devotees' life in SPN there is no surprise that it attracts also many people to its workshops. When Guruji sings a bhajan everybody wants to know what he sings; everybody wants to sing along with him and also to try to learn to play it at home.

SPN musicians have developed a mridanga workshop for the beginners led by Mayuran, a great mridanga player from London. The result of the last workshop in Gurupurnima was amazing. 

Mayuran conducted a workshop which attracted 10 people. That is a maximum number of participants as the workshop is designed to give a maximum attention to each single individual. Many people who did not believe in their abilities to play, by the end of the two-day course, were able to play simple beats and they got the solid base to build upon their skills.

Mridanga is an Indian drum perfectly suited for bhajans and kirtans. As mridanga (or khol as it is called in some parts of India), is not easy to learn, so the groups are kept small.

Next workshop is organized during Navaratri - October 2 and 3.
You must register for the workshop before attending!

If you plan to come and want to learn how to play mridanga, please write to us at or speak with us personally (Chaturananda, Mayuran, Tandav Krishna, or any temple mridanga players).

We would be happy to answer your questions.